
  • Redirects http to https connection (For Entire Website)

    Redirects http to https connection (For Entire Website)

    Hi, https is necessary for every website to be secure or to get approval from Adsense also. https Secure connection also used in transaction websites.

    Different between HTTP and https connection

    HTTP stands for “hypertext transfer protocol” and in https “s” stands for secure socket layer. Most of the website in the world using HTTP connection which necessary for every website, But https connection makes your website secure for transactions and also green padlock icon makes the trust on visitors.

    There are four ways to apply https redirection on any website

    Be Sure You have to an SSL Certificate

    Using .htaccess Redirection

    First of all, you have a valid SSL certificate then you have to force your website to apply https redirection using .htaccess in the file manger of cpanel. (You have to enable show hidden file). Then paste the given code.

    RewriteEngine OnRewriteCond %{HTTPS} offRewriteRule (.*) https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI}

    Using PHP Redirection

    Php is another easier way to force a website to a secure connection. Go to your file manager in cpanel, open the index.php file then paste the given code at the top of page.

    function redirectTohttps() {
        if ($_SERVER['HTTPS'] != ”on”) {
            $redirect = “https: //”.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];header(“Location:$redirect”); } } ?>

    Using Meta Redirection

    If you using an HTML based website, we can force our website to secure connection using meta tags redirection. Go to File manager in cpanel, then open the index.html file and paste the code below the <head> tag.

    < meta http-equiv="Refresh" content="0;URL=" />

    Using WordPress Plugin

    If you are using a WordPress blog it is easy to force your website to secure connection using a free plugin. The most popular https redirection Plugins are given below:

    Thanks for Visiting, if you have any doubts, problems with articles or copyright you can contact us.

  • Best Adsense Alternative Ads Network

    Best Adsense Alternative Ads Network

    Hi, Today We Discuss Best Google Adsense Alternatives Ads Network.

    End Of Adsense is Near

    According to line Google Adsense revenue got down day by day due to coming of affiliate marketing or Ads Blocker, Most of the developers used affilate marketing instead of Adsense or Most of the revenue blocked by Ad Blocker.
    So Paying Rates Of Adsense Can be decreased in future.

    Other Ads Network

    If Adsense Not verify your Website, Go with another Advertisers, which are stated below.


    Best And Competitive Alternative of Google Adsense, if we count in top 10 Media. Net is on 2nd number in best advertiser network.

    • Proudly Powered by Yahoo and Bing.
    • Requirements for Approval.
    • Minimum Payout: $100.
    • Payment Methods: Paypal, Bank Transfer or Payoneer.

    2. Infolinks.Com

    Best in class and for higher revenue for developer, Managed by US community, Powerful and Unique Ads Layout, With High CPC.

    • Requirements for Approval.
    • Minimum Payout: $10.
    • Payment Methods: Paypal, Bank Transfer or Payoneer.

    3. Revenehits.Com

    Best for Beginners for unlimited earning, best for festival events website, Best in class, Unique Ads Styles and many more.

    • Instant Approval.
    • Minimum Payout: $50.
    • Payment Methods: PayPal, Bank Transfer or Payoneer.


    Best Pop ads Network, Alternative of Infolinks, Popular for Downloading websites, Provides awesome CPC rates.

    • Instant Approval.
    • Minimum Payout: $5 (Paypal or Alertpay only).
    • Payment Methods: Paypal, Alertpay, Bank transfer or payoner.

    5. Viglink.Com

    Competitive Alternative of Adsense, Best in class, unique Ads system, high CPC rates.

    • Instant Approval.
    • Minimum Payout: $10.
    • Payment Methods: Bank Transfer or PayPal.

    These Top 5 Google Alternatives Provides best services to users, with 100% uptime, there are also rules and regulations like Google adsense

    If you have querie, Doubt or problem(Mistake ) with network or article, You can Comment Below or Contact Us.

  • Top Free Disposable Email Address Providers

    Top Free Disposable Email Address Providers

    Hi in the article, we introduce to free Disposable mail service providers, Which provide free emails without any registration or verification.

    Why Disposal Emails

    If you want to test any website or forum for service with providing them own information, you can use Disposable emails and register an email without any throwawaymail.comverfication and test the services.

    Are Disposable Emails  illegal

    No, According to act, if you harm anyone using duplicate emails will be count in disobey of rules, if you used for education or testing purposes only, then this will be legal.

    Top Email Providers:


    The Best service in class, providing free emails which any restrictions and registrations, Also Supports Choose your own email with a custom name.


    Good Disposable email service and provide unique and rare sentence emails for free, best for learning, But Don not supports Custom email name.


    Free Disposable Service with the simple user interface, have permanent emails and in case you can use a disposal email again and again without registration and Supports random automatic email generator, But not support Custom Emails.


    Powerful and ad-free Disposable Email service provider with a simple user interface but nit responsive for mobile and not support Custom Emails.


    Best Disposable email provider, Cool and Good Interface, Provides free emails but not supports the Custom Emails.

    Other Popular Email Providers:


    These Top-Listed Emails Providers and Best in Class and Provides free service without any charges and registrations.
    Thanks For Visiting, Team NoobSpot.Com

  • Free Proxy websites | Unblock Any Blocked Website

    Free Proxy websites | Unblock Any Blocked Website

    Hi, Today we introduce to proxy Websites, Help us to connect with any blocked website for free.

    Basically Sometime due to overloaded traffic, some websites block access of servers in some areas and block the traffic. At that time we can use proxy websites that access the servers from different regions like VPN.

    Also Read: How to approve Adsense on a free domain

    And There we provide 13 proxy websites Provide us free Proxy Servers and unblock any website.

    Best proxy websites For Free (Source: Internet)

    1. – The Fastest Free Proxy Visit Now is Good Online VPN services, Without installing any additional software or tools, you can explore blocked websites from 3 different locations it supports. Currently, the Netherlands, the United States, and Germany have been added as locations from where you can access the website by simply entering the URL.
    2. HideMyAss – Best Free Proxy Visit Now
    HideMyAss are well-known companies in the VPN field and free proxy website services Located in England. This web is an easy and simple solution that you can use. There are also options for using SSL certifications and other features. In the main view, there is an address bar that you can use to access certain sites without showing your IP address.

    3. ProxySite – Top Web Proxy Site Visit Now
    ProxySite hosting is available on gigabit networks, where it gives you a guarantee that your internet speed will not drop when tunneling your data. There are 2 choices available on this web, which you can choose above or below the address bar for a better browsing experience. Choose whether you want to encrypt the URL or not, allow cookies, or delete scripts and objects for faster loading.
    4. Proxy Visit Now

    A well known online VPN service, providing wide range of free vpn servers, free of cost and included 100% server uptime. Based on Ultra Fast Responding Servers.
    5. Smart DNS Proxy Visit Now

    Smart DNS proxy stated the whole thing in his name that is DNS, Provides good services and comes with 100% uptime, without any thirty party disturbance access any block site in free.
    6. Anony Mizer Visit Now

    Anony Mizer is well-known vpn service, already stated his work in his name that is Anony means anonymous, free Service with 0% downtime.
    7. KProxy Site Visit Now

    Bypass online blocks to access foreign content like a local. Get to websites back home when you are abroad. And bypass government or workplace censorship. Comes with 100% uptime with ultra fast server for maximum performance.
    8. Fast Time Visit Now

    Well known online Free VPN service, unblock any website, fast and secure VPN, comes with anti track plugins, provide good service in class.
    9. Push Proxy Visit Now

    A Morden VPN service, push any blocked website to accessible server, easy to use just put the url and get free service.
    10. Toolur Visit Now

    Toolur is a site that dedicated to provide free online tools, like VPN service or other tools.

    These Top 10 Free proxy websites are highly rated by users and For 24/7 Uptime.

    Thanks For Visiting, Team Noobspot.Com

  • Generate More Visitors to Website By Traffic Bots

    Generate More Visitors to Website By Traffic Bots

    Hi Today we introduce to Traffic Bots Help you to rank Perfectly on Google, Traffic Bot Help your Blog or Website to gain free unlimited traffic b using a Traffic Bot Software on PC.

    Traffic Spirit PC Software is the best way to gain free unlimited traffic for your blog without paying any fair.

    Are Traffic Bots Are Legal to use

    Generally there are many online websites

    Warning: If We use Traffic Bot to increase Google Adsense Revenue, it will affect your accounts, and Google notices invalid activity and Adsense Account Should be disabled permanently.

    Why Traffic Bots

    Traffic Bots are just a way to gain visitors on a blog or website if you have a new website, definitely, it will need ranking on Google use the traffic bot strategery and procedure fake traffic as you need, Defenatkey Helps a Blog to rank in Top list due to high Daily Visits produce by traffic bots.

    Download Option:

    100% Legal, if your Antivirus show File Virus infected: Check Here
    Download Now

    How traffic Bots are helpful

    Basically traffic bots can helps very much to beginners, because in blog beginning there is no source of traffic, and Adsense also check the traffic performance. On other hand for Perfect indexation of Webmaster also huge number of traffic required, So traffic bots can helps.

    Thanks For Visiting, Team NoobSpot.Com

  • Latest Google Adsense Highest CPC Keywords List

    Latest Google Adsense Highest CPC Keywords List

    Hi, Today in Article we introduce to Latest Google Adsense Highest CPC keywords, if you go for work on it definitely you will earn more.

    What is CPC

    CPC Stands for Cost Per Click and is used in online advertising. CPC defines how much revenue a publisher receives each time a user clicks an advertisement link on his website.

    Highest CPC Keywords List

    Arranging Oder Highest To Lower CPC

    Sr. No.




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    Thanks For Visiting, Team – Noob Will Be Pro

  • Top 5 Fastest Browers Ever For Android

    Top 5 Fastest Browers Ever For Android

    Hi, In the article here we introduce to the top 5 popular and fastest browsers ever in the history for Android Platform.

    These Information Based on Many Website Conclusion by Professional Developers. So the List Updated By time to time.

    Also Read: Top 5 free Hosting For WordPress Website

    Top 5 Browsers For Android Ever

    #1. Google Chrome

    Chrome is Officially Published and associated with Google Corporation, Most of the professional used chrome instead of any other browsers.

    Because Google Chrome is Available For Android, Windows, Mac, iOS and most of the interesting thing is that it is free of cost and ads free. Google Chrome Available on Playstore, App Store or Windows Store for Free.

    #2. Opera Browser

    Opera Browser is 2nd Most Preferred browsers by Professional and Regular users, it is available in the market before Google Chrome.

    Mostly installed in Java mobiles in the time of 2000 to 2010, After Launch of Android there is decreased in users of chrome,

    • Most of the Best Thing its included VPN service for Free but too many Ads

    But Opera Kick Back all the Browsers and Get his position at top 5 browsers. it is available on Play store, App Store or Windows Store For Free.

    • The Alternative Lite Version is Also Available Opera Mini

    #3. Firefox

    Firefox is Most Safest Browser instead of all Browsers in the list, Associated with Mozilla Corporation, and provides Smooth browsing.

    Rated by Play store in top 10 browsers, Most of the Firefox user available on Windows PC platform, And it also ranked in android play store for many downloads.

    Interesting Facts is that it is safer than chrome, Provide Ads free Content. and available on Play store, App Store or Windows Store For Free.

    • The Alternative Lite Version is Also Available Firefox Lite

    #4. UC Browser

    UC Browser is Associated with Ali Baba Group which is in China, Most of the famous browser ever installed in Android Platform.

    But after the google play store confirmed that UC browser sends user data to the agencies, there is a decrease in usage of UC bowers in INDIA mostly.

    It is Powerfull and optimized for Fast Downloading but contain Lots of ads, and available on Play store, App Store or Windows Store For Free.

    • The Alternative Lite Version is Also Available UC Mini

    #5. Dolphin

    Dolphin Browser is Famous in Play store due to the stability of browsers and fast downloads, Google Play Store Ranked Dolphin Browser with google reviews and download times.

    It is Fast and smooth and most of the main feature its is ads free. and available on Play store, App Store or Windows Store For Free.

    Also Read: Top 5 Entertaining Channels On DTH

    Thanks For Visting, Team NoobSpot


  • How To Add Beautiful Table in Google Blogger

    How To Add Beautiful Table in Google Blogger

    Hi, In the article today we learn How To Add Beautiful Table in Google Blogger.

    As We Know There are many limitations in google blogger, and like WordPress, we can’t add any 3rd party plugins to our website to add tables in google blogger.

    So, in this case, we can use bootstrap HTML code to a table in Google Blogger.

    Also Read: How to Add Contact Form in Google Blogger

    Adding Bootstrap CDN:

    1. Open Blogger Dashboard.
    2. Select Theme Option in Dashboard.
    3. Click on Theme and Choose Edit HTML Option.
    4. Then Press Ctrl+F12 key and a Search Bar Will open, Search “Head” Here.
    5. Add given link paste into the head file
    6. Save the HTML code.

    <link href="" rel="stylesheet" />

    Adding Table in Post:

    1. Go to Post, and then Choose text editor(HTML editor)
    2. Pate The Given HTML Code Into it.
    3. Change the text according to your requirements.

    <table class="table table-striped"> <thead> <tr> <th scope="col">#</th> <th scope="col">First</th> <th scope="col">Last</th> <th scope="col">Handle</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr> <th scope="row">1</th> <td>Mark</td> <td>Otto</td> <td>@mdo</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">2</th> <td>Jacob</td> <td>Thornton</td> <td>@fat</td> </tr> <tr> <th scope="row">3</th> <td>Larry</td> <td>the Bird</td> <td>@twitter</td> </tr> </tbody> </table>

    Also Read: Adsense Approval On .blogspot Domain 

    and in Final Everything is Set, Enjoy your Cool Table in Blogger.

    Thanks For Visiting, Team NoobSpot.Com – Perfect Blogging Guide

  • How To Get Adsense Approval on ( Domain in Blogger

    How To Get Adsense Approval on ( Domain in Blogger

    Hi, in the article I will show how to get Adsense Approval on a Free Domain (.blogspot) on Google Blogger.

    Google Blogger is a Free Blogging service provided in free of cost, there we can host our blog with Google Blogspot subdomain otherwise we can also add custom Domain in Google Blogger

    Requirements for Approval on Blogspot Domain of google blogger

    1. Must Have At least 10 Posts or Above.
    2. Have a Privacy Policy Page, About Us Page or Disclaimer Page.
    3. A blog should be submitted in Google webmaster.
    4. A Contact Us Form is Comparsary (How to Make Contact Us Form in Blogger)
    5. Blog Have to Own a Professional Theme.
    6. Blogger Site Should be 1 Month Old.
    7. All The Post Will be in the English Language(Other Languages ).
    8. Every Post has at least 300 Words.
    9. In every Post, there are at least 2 Images.
    10. There should be not third party advertising, that redirect pages to another windows.
    11. Use DMCA Certificate to protect your website(How to Approve for DMCA Certificate in free)
    12. Every Post should have proper thumbnails.
    13. Use Professional theme whose response time is good, avoid bulky themes.
    14. Be sure there is no restriction of Google bot in Robot.txt file(Robot.txt file for Blogger)

    (Mostly Free Domain Approve After 2 Months in Google Blogger)(Own Experience)

    For More Information Contact With Our Developer:

    Visit My Approved website: Website

    If The All Requirements are Matched to Your Blog, Definitely it will Approved.

    Also Read: Robot.txt file for Blogger, WordPress and For Custom Website

    Thanks For Visiting, Team NoobSpot.Com – Perfect Blogging Guide

  • Best Websites to Download Stock Images

    Best Websites to Download Stock Images

    Websites to Download Stock Images: In the Article, we introduce to best five websites which provide free stocks image for making thumbnails for websites and youtube channels.

    What is Free Stock Images

    The Images which Are in Ultra quality without any watermark of the publisher and comes under free licenses, These All Describe websites are free of cost and we can download ultra quality photos for free.

    Also Read: Best Domains Extensions for Micro Niche in $2

    Stock Images for Free

    #01 Unsplash


    #02 Photopin


    #02 Stockvault



    #03 Freeimages



    #04 Fotolia


    #02 Freedigitalphotos



    These websites are not Sponsors By any Platform, These Websites Provide Freee Stock Images for regular works like Video editing, Developing, youtube thumbnails.


    Thanks for Always Get in Touch with NoobSpot.Com, Keep Visiting. For More Also Vist Our Official Website.