Best Ad Formats/Sizes For High CPC Ads – Google AdSense

Best Ads Formats/Sizes

If you are using Adsense, then proper ad formats are important. Nowadays, getting AdSense approval is a very common thing, but with some tips and tricks, anybody can get support quickly. However, for High CPC rates of Ads, proper ad formats are essential.

Hi, I’m Mani Badhel, and in this article, we’ll learn about proper ad formats. I have Browse many sites on google and grab some remarkable ad sizes for high CPC ads.

What is CPC

In short, CPC stands for Click Per Cost, which is related to Ad networks. Every ad network pays to publishers according to rates of CPC. If you choose a high CPC keyword from the latest list of keywords and work on it in your article then, your ad networks show ads related to a particular keyword. Moreover, it pays you according to its CPC rates.
Famous blogger keeps testing with all formats of Ad sizes and then gave their results in blogs, and I find best AdSense Banner Sizes and Formats.

Leaderboard (728×90)

Leader-board (NoobSpot.Com)

An Ad format, which is easily fitted to the header of a site, but in mobile view not perform well as in desktop. Generally, every bogger used their websites. Most of the ads are fitted in this ad banner that way, this ad size can bring a high CPC Ad.

Billboard (970×250)

Billboard (NoobSpot.Com)

A huge banner that can easily attract a visitor, and due to its hugeness, most of the high CPC Ads are showing in this ad format. Most of the advertisements are related to Affiliate and online shopping. Moreover, a Large type of banner advertisement can easily attract a visitor to click.

Medium Rectangle (300×250)

Medium Rectangle (NoobSpot.Com)

An Ad size, which is compatible with the sidebar of a website, and gets placed between the elements and makes zero visible difference between Ad and website elements, that this Ad format has high CPC.

Large Rectangle (336×280)

Large Rectangle (NoobSpot.Com)

As clearly represent from its name, a large type of rectangle ad size, which easily fits in the sidebar and article placements, Most of the high CPC ads can get in the mobile view because it fits comfortably with the mobile screen and also on desktop view fits in sidebar easily.

Large Mobile Banner (320×100)

Large Mobile Banner (NoobSpot.Com)

It highly recommended for the mobile view, because its size easily fits with the size of the mobile view and also gave ads of High CPC and also made many chances if ad clicks.

Wide Skyscraper (160×600)

Wide skyscrapers (NoobSpot.Com)

I’m sure, such type of ad format you have seen on the desktop view, due to its hugeness in length can easily detectable on the desktop view, and also there are chances on Ads clicks. Moreover, easily compatible with the sidebar of a website.

Perfect Square (250×250)

Perfect Square (NoobSpot.Com)

A small square ad format, compatible with both desktop and mobile, gave a minimalistic look to the site, and not easily detectable and that why, there are many chances of an ad click, and also it is compatible with high CPC ads.


If you are trying to use these Ad formats/sizes, then definitely that increases your CPC rates, not only ad sizes, the proper placement of the right ad is also very important. Don’t Worry About the updates, ill update this article from time to time with new upgrades.

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3 responses to “Best Ad Formats/Sizes For High CPC Ads – Google AdSense”

  1. […] Best Ad Formats/Sizes For High CPC Ads – Google AdSense. […]

  2. […] Best Ad Formats/Sizes For High CPC Ads – Google AdSense […]

  3. Uday Avatar

    Good information bro

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